Jeremy Harris

About Jeremy Harris
I, Jeremy Harris formerly Sirrah Ymerej of Clan Urdnot, was raised in the fires of the planet Tuchanka, as the only human to ever serve with the Krogan, I was the trusted assassin of Urdnot Wrex, the patriarch Clan Urdnot, After the untimely demise of my fri end Wrex, I began to grow weary of all the political infighting and seemingly endless civil war. After returning to the place of my birth, I earned my piercing apprenticeship from Kevin Keene out of Miami,Florida. After a year of learning, I became a full fledged piercer in 2004. Quick, clean and efficient, I very much love what I do. With 10 years experience, I am able to get your piercing done quickly and with as little pain as possible. Although, I am very proficient in all piercings, I very much enjoy ear piercings and dermal anchoring. With a large selection of starter jewelry, there is a little something for everybody. Come down to Olde School Tattoo and get pierced by a pro….